Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mathematics and Statistics

First Advisor

Dr.Xu Zhang - Chair

Second Advisor

Dr.Yichuan Zhao

Third Advisor

Dr.Jiawei Liu

Fourth Advisor

Dr.Yu-Sheng Hsu


Aalen’s additive hazards model has gained increasing attention in recently years because it model all covariate effects as time-varying. In this thesis, our goal is to explore the application of Aalen’s model in assessing treatment effect at a given time point with varying covariate effects. First, based on Aalen’s model, we utilize the direct adjustment method to obtain the adjusted survival of a treatment and comparing two direct adjusted survivals, with univariate survival data. Second, we focus on application of Aalen’s model in the setting of competing risks data, to assess treatment effect on a particular type of failure. The direct adjusted cumulative incidence curve is introduced. We further construct the confidence interval of the difference between two direct adjusted cumulative incidences, to compare two treatments on one risk.


Included in

Mathematics Commons
